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Before you proceed you should know a few things...

Like any healthy relationship, the only way this works is if we're honest with each other from the start:


*If you're looking for ten ways to get six-pack abs in time for [summer, your wedding, that high school reunion, or any event people feel the need to look good for in order to impress people they don't even like], or the secret workout regimen that will solve all your problems, this is NOT the place for you.


*If you're looking to "lose weight" or "get in shape" so you can finally be happy and have all your problems solved, this is NOT the place for you.


*If you're looking for someone to tell you what revolutionary [formula, food, vitamin, herb] you need to eat or what cancer-causing, organ-killing [food, chemical, animal product] you need to give up thereby healing all your diseases and solving all your problems, this is NOT the place for you.


*If you're looking for a community to share pics of how skinny you are now that you gave up [carbs, soda, sugar, meat, any trendy thing people are giving up these days] and how giving up those things and getting skinny solved all your problems, this is NOT the place for you.


*If you're looking for that secret plan, that special piece of information that will finally answer all life's questions and give you the keys to eternal happiness which, of course, would solve all your problems, this is NOT the place for you.


*If you're looking for a new product to sell so you can get rich quick while simultaneously selling the secret formula to solve all your friend's and family's problems, thereby solving all your problems, this is NOT the place for you.


*If you're looking for a community of workout junkies and meatheads who like to take selfies or pics of their bodies and talk about what a fit person they are and how much they love working out and how everyone could be happy and have all their problems solved if they'd just listen to you and do everything the same way you have done it, you know, the way that solved all your problems, this is NOT the place for you.


*If you're looking for someone to yell at you during your workouts or follow you around slapping food out of your hands and micro-managing your entire life so you can lose weight and have all your problems solved, this is not the place for you.


*If you're looking for the latest fad diet, miracle supplement, perfect workout plan, list of "dos" and "don'ts", lists of banned or chemical-laden foods you need to give up, or any one thing or group of things that will solve all your problems, this is NOT the place for you. 


*If, however, you're looking for help with a movement or nutrition lifestyle change that will allow you the freedom to move better, feel better, and still eat whatever you want (no such thing as a "cheat meal" or "bad food" here!) then this IS the place for you! Welcome!

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