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  • Writer's pictureRebecca Aarup

Easy P.E. Plan for Kids in Quarantine

Updated: May 21, 2022

The internet is buzzing with workout plans for adults who can no longer go to their gyms due to quarantine closures. I have yet to see anything out there for kids who are no longer getting P.E. as a result of school closures. "Well, that's the parents job," I can hear it being said. But if you're like me, still going to work every day and already struggling just to help your child get through their now online classes, designing a P.E. program for your kid is literally the last thing on your mind. So P.E. turns into "go outside and play" which is fine, activity of any sort is great, but how great would it be if we could encourage our kids to engage in some traditional exercise as well? With that being said, I designed an easy and fun circuit for kids using only pantry items. We can put those extra beans and rice to good use (besides eating them, of course)! Let's work together to keep our kids active and healthy during this quarantine!

If you'd like a printable pdf file please email me and I will send it to you (this is a free resource and you will not be signed up for anything or receive any other emails, unless you've already subscribed to this site).


Rebecca was a Precision Nutrition Certified Nutrition Coach, an A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer, an A.C.E.Fitness Nutrition Specialist, an A.C.E. Sports Conditioning Specialist, and an A.C.E. Youth Fitness Specialist. She first earned her Personal Training certification with A.C.E. (American Council on Exercise) in 2002. She has been in and out of the "Health & Fitness" industry for nearly two decades. She also spent two years as a dietetic student at ASU & EMCC. She now blogs about her experiences with the health and fitness industry, eating disorders, lifestyle modification, weight loss, and nutrition for chronic disease, wellness, and longevity.

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Rebecca Aarup
Rebecca Aarup
Mar 25, 2020

You’re welcome! Sam was so happy to model for me (not!) haha!


Jennilee Ault
Mar 25, 2020

This is awesome! Thank you!

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