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Rebecca was a Precision Nutrition Certified Nutrition Coach, an A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer, an A.C.E. Fitness Nutrition Specialist, an A.C.E. Sports Conditioning Specialist, and an A.C.E. Youth Fitness Specialist. She first earned her Personal Training certification with A.C.E. (American Council on Exercise) in 2002. She has been in and out of the "Health & Fitness" industry for nearly two decades. She also spent two years as a dietetic student at ASU & EMCC. She now blogs about her experiences with the health and fitness industry, eating disorders, lifestyle modification, weight loss, and nutrition for chronic disease, wellness, and longevity. 


The strategy


 You won't read about fads here. This is a deep health, whole body approach to overall wellness, providing you the tools to be successful and experience your best health for life. No promotion of yo-yo diets, rules, restrictions, deprivation or dramatic extremes. You can enjoy life and the journey to optimal health--it doesn't have to be miserable! It is possible to have your cake and eat it too!  This is the freedom way backed by scientific research and published studies.


Movement is never a one-size-fits-all solution, your movement and nutrition is unique to YOU and what you're looking to accomplish for your health. The key is finding the movement that makes sense for your body and your lifestyle.


The Name


Freedom references a whole-body philosophy free of restrictions and rules.  FG5.1 encourages readers to utilize their common sense (supported by science) regarding nutrition and movement. 


Gals 5.1 references Galatians 5:1*, "[We are] free to live a free life. Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you." A harness of slavery is everything FG5.1 is NOT about. Common sense backed with scientific evidence guides nutrition and movement recommendations.

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